Website Traffic

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website traffic

3 Website Traffic Tactics that won't Cost You a Cent

Thousands in internet marketing are constantly banging their heads in frustration at not receiving all the internet traffic they would like to get to their web site.

Total Internet Marketing 
& Web Promotion Solutions

Is This You?

Are you tormented, like many of them are, by information overload from listening to all the latest free website traffic tactics and not being able to understand any of it?

Are you tired of people trying day and night harassing you to max out your credit cards and get loans for Google clicks, and in the process rip up your credit score?

Are you stupefied by the way your website just dropped out of the Google search results?

Or are you just too broke and all you have to rely on is hopefully learning some free website traffic tactics?

Free Website Traffic Does Exisit

You can employ website traffic tactics without spending a dime. However, knowing how is the real deal. Here's the score:

  1. Link it
    Of all the genuinely effective free website traffic tactics that can get you good results, linking to and from other websites is the one of the most widely-used methods. Just make sure that the Internet business you are exchanging links with is relatively if not utterly related to your own business. And of course, avoid overkill as this might ban you from search engines. A few good links are infinitely better than a thousand mediocre or totally non-related links.

  2. Spruce Up Your Meta Tags
    Another way of to increase the desired traffic to your website is through having your Meta tags contain usually used keywords that target your business. Meta tags help search engines figure out where your web page fits in and how to describe your web page. If you're quite adept with the HTML aspect of your web pages, manipulating your meta tags would be a breeze. To learn more for free about META tags, and a lot of other things, visit

  3. Use Keyword-Rich AND Sensible Content
    Writing or acquiring articles that provide solid information regarding your business is one of the best ways to introduce the world to your website. Making use of free keyword suggestion tools such as those found at Yahoo Search Marketing will help you decide which keyword or phrases to work on to generate traffic to your website. Making these write-ups very readable and genuinely informative will halp make you many repeat visitors who may subsequently become repeat clients.

    Submitting these articles to various article directory listings, such as, will provide more visibility for your business as long as you keep your resource box intact to create a large number of backlinks to your website.

    TIP: The more articles your site shows up on, the more backlinks. Therefore, the more article directories you submit each article to, the more exposure on the World Wide Web. However, doing this manually can be extremely time consuming, and how will you know if you are submitting to the BEST article directories? One way around this is to sign up with an article submission service such as For a monthly fee, they will submit several of your articles to many of the best article directories.

These methods, if employed properly, will not only make your web site more popular but will help you achieve your most desirable result - a higher conversion rate. offers free matchmaking and personals for people seeking friendship, romance or professional contacts.

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