Email Marketing

Internet marketing breakthrough.
email marketing

Email Marketing: A Very Affordable Internet Marketing Technique

Email marketing is labeled as one killer-diller method when it comes to effective, yet low-cost, Internet marketing endeavors. This is because it is the most widely-used and has the best reputation in bringing targeted traffic to websites. It is used to stay in touch with your customers or prospective customers, send out invitations, or make special offers.

It's really as easy as writing an e-mail that may be in a form of a newsletter or a simple announcement, and sending that to as many targeted recipients as possible. However, there is an ideal way of going about it. Email marketing is not just about writing any old email that you will be sending to anybody. To clarify that, here are some simple tips in doing email marketing the best way possible.

  1. Join the "Can Spam" campaign.
    Email marketing is not automatically the same thing as spamming. You are not supposed to send information that your email list will not have any valuable use for.

  2. Get your email list members to open it.
    Your email might get lost together with the hundreds of emails that inbox owners are confronted with everyday. Improve your subject line by using extra white space creatively, adding text symbols, starting each word with a capital letter, asking compelling questions, not making any unbelievable claims, and NOT using the word FREE!

  3. By all means, keep it real.
    Not including any "too good to be true" type statements is not only applicable to your subject line but to your message content as well. Your email content must never embody any promise your business cannot keep. Make your offer something genuinely of value to your recipients.

  4. Don't cut prices too low or keep them too high.
    If you inform your customers regarding discounts, minimal discounts are not that effective compared with substantial discounts. On the other hadn, never offer discounts that are lower than your profit. It will defeat the purpose of this email marketing effort.

  5. Make it eventful.
    This is not about contradicting the good advice that you should keep an email short and sweet. This tip is on including seminars, conferences and other events in your email. Businesses that require training benefit much from this method. With these "RSVP required" emails, repetition is important. Just make sure that an ample interval is considered before sending out a reminder email.

  6. Post real news.
    Sending informational newsletters and postcards provides useful data for your subscribers. These are the best forms of reaching out to your customers or prospects. You should keep the information short, simple and direct to the point for this feat to be effective.

With these simple ways of going about your email marketing endeavor, your business will begin to prosper in no time.

Email Marketing Case Study:

"Derek Gehl reveals the exact step-by-step strategies he used to earn $291,756.42 and generate 44,901 new the last 30 days alone!"

Click here now to read this study... offers free matchmaking and personals for people seeking friendship, romance or professional contacts.

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Email Marketing News Headlines:

How to Manage and Track Your Email Marketing Campaign Using ...
An Autoresponder can ramp up your email marketing campaign. Learn the Autoresponder tips from Internet Marketing Pros such as Matt Bacak. ...The Secrets of Autoresponders: The Dos and Don’ts that Can Make ... (press release)The Benefits of Paid Internet Directories to Drive Profit ... (press release)How to Increase Profits from Your Internet Business Using ... (press release) (press releas...

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Focus Study Shows Rise in Effectiveness of Web Marketing
According to the 2007 Vertis Communications Consumer Focus, while 85% of women will read direct mail over email marketing messages, consumers in general ...

Women prefer direct marketing
Some 85 per cent of women aged between 25 and 44 prefer direct marketing to email advertisements, according to results of a survey published today. ...

Email Marketing Selected Web Resources: - Internet marketing breakthrough..

Managed Email Marketing - Managed Email Marketing Email marketing campaign a full service email provider.

Html Email Marketing - Html Email Marketing Provides Internet online direct bulk email marketing software, opt-in email list builder and newsletter publishing.

Affordable Email Marketing - Affordable Email Marketing Ntarget is a web based email marketing tool to develop and manage targeted email promotions.

ResultsMail Email Marketing - ResultsMail Email Marketing Service for creating email newsletters and tracking responses to email marketing campaigns.

More Resources:

Internet Email Marketing : Web Site Promo - Web Site Promo Internet Email Marketing Internet Email Marketing : Services and Reviews Email Marketing & Management Solutions Easy, Do-it-Yourself, Opt-in List, HTML E-mail marketing & management software. 150 pre-formatted templates to choose from. Real Time Tracking. Free 30 day trial. Unlimited campaigns. ...

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